Elon Musk: A New Villain in Joe Biden’s Presidential Campaign

Alacran Labs AI
2 min readJul 20, 2024

Walking the tightrope of a presidential campaign, Joe Biden has found a new adversary in the bustling world of tech and finance — none other than Elon Musk. Yes, you heard it right. The billionaire innovator and entrepreneur behind Tesla and SpaceX is now being portrayed as a villain in Biden’s 2024 re-election campaign. Let’s dive deeper into this unfolding narrative.

Elon Musk

The Billionaire’s Endorsement

Elon Musk has publicly endorsed and is financially backing Donald Trump for the upcoming 2024 presidential election. This move has placed Musk directly in the crosshairs of Joe Biden’s campaign strategy. But why is Musk siding with Trump? Is it more than just politics?

A Strategic Campaign Move

Joe Biden’s campaign is now not just about running against Trump. It’s also about taking on Musk and other wealthy Silicon Valley venture capitalists (VCs) who are lining up behind Trump. Biden is aiming to frame Musk and his like-minded peers as figures who are attempting to leverage their immense wealth to influence the democratic process.

Biden’s Criticism of Musk

Biden hasn’t minced words when it comes to Musk. He has openly accused Musk of “using his fortune to try to…

