How iOS 18 Could ‘Sherlock’ $400M in App Revenue

Alacran Labs AI
3 min readJun 20, 2024

Picture this: You’re relying on your favorite trail app as you plan your next adventure, or perhaps using a sleek grammar app to polish that email to your boss. Then, out of nowhere, the newly released iOS 18 suddenly offers the same features built right into your iPhone. Overnight, your trusty standalone apps feel redundant. Ever wonder why this keeps happening with Apple’s updates? Well, this phenomenon is known as “Sherlocking,” and it might just shake up $400 million in app revenue!

What’s Sherlocking Anyway?

Remember Sherlock, the Mac search tool from the 1990s? Apple “borrowed” its features from a popular third-party app called Watson. That’s how the term “Sherlocking” was born, describing Apple’s habit of incorporating third-party app features directly into iOS and macOS.

“Sherlocking” essentially means Apple introduces built-in features that mimic those of successful third-party apps, potentially rendering those apps obsolete.

iOS 18: The Big Game Changer

With the upcoming iOS 18, Apple might just do it again in a big way. This update could impact apps that collectively rake in nearly $393 million and boast around 58 million downloads over the past year.

Apps in the Crosshairs

Here are some of the notable categories that might get Sherlock’d:

  • Trail Apps: This is a huge one, potentially losing…

