Mastering MLOps: Your Ultimate Guide to Becoming an MLOps Engineer in 2024

Alacran Labs AI
4 min readJun 20, 2024

Alright, tech enthusiasts! Have you ever wondered how machine learning models seamlessly make their way from a developer’s PC to real-world applications? If you’re nodding vigorously, this guide is just for you. We’ll delve into MLOps — a blend of machine learning, software engineering, and DevOps — to show you how to become an MLOps engineer in 2024. Ready? Let’s roll!

Understanding MLOps

What is MLOps?

MLOps stands for Machine Learning Operations. It’s all about combining the best practices from Machine Learning (ML), software engineering, and DevOps to streamline the deployment and maintenance of ML models. Think of MLOps as the magic potion that ensures your carefully crafted ML models are production-ready and stay that way.

The MLOps Lifecycle

The journey of an ML model in MLOps unfolds in three key phases:

  1. Design
  2. Model Development
  3. Operations

Phases of MLOps Lifecycle

1. Design

Before you even think about algorithms, you need a solid plan.

  • Requirements Engineering: Identify and document what your ML solution needs to do. Are you predicting stock prices or detecting spam emails?
  • ML Use-Cases Prioritization: Decide which ML…

